Yearbook on Space Policy 2008/2009

eBook - Setting New Trends, Yearbook on Space Policy

Erschienen am 02.02.2011, Auflage: 1/2011
173,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783709103180
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 364 S., 3.04 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The Yearbook on Space Policy aims to be the reference publication analysingspace policy developments. Each year it presents issues and trends in space policyand the space sector as a whole. Its scope is global and its perspective is European.The Yearbook also links space policy with other policy areas. It highlights specificevents and issues, and provides useful insights, data and information on spaceactivities.The Yearbook on Space Policy is edited by the European Space Policy Institute(ESPI) based in Vienna, Austria. It combines in-house research and contributionsof members of the European Space Policy Research and Academic Network(ESPRAN), coordinated by ESPI.The Yearbook is designed for government decision-makers and agencies, industryprofessionals, as well as the service sectors, researchers and scientists and theinterested public.


The Year in Space 2008/2009.- European space activities in the global context.- Developments in space policies, programmes and technologies throughout the world and in Europe.- Views and Insights.- The new geostrategic context for space and the positioning of Europe.- Forecasting the consequences of the Crash of 2008 on space activities.- Space as a strategic policy area for Europe and the European Union.- GMES Status review and policy developments.- Integrated applications: a new way forward for Europe Some legal thoughts.- The past and future of security-related satellite missions in Europe.- Latest trends in the national authorisation and regulation of space activities in Europe.- Iridium-Cosmos collision and its implications for space operations.- The Space Policy of the New U.S. Administration.- Chinas space programme and Asia.- Facts and Figures.- Chronology: July 2008June 2009.- Country profiles.- Bibliography of space policy publications. July 2008June 2009.

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